Camping on the field!
This used to be an old sod farm. It has crops on one end and usually fallow in the other. The flying area is in the middle. It is definitely a nice place to fly. Hotels near by. It is a gated flying field. Please open and close the gate as you come and go.
Mid-Summer is a great time to fly New England!!!
This will be an F5J contest.
$10 per day field use charge.
$15 lunch charge per day.The Skyhawks cooked a fantastic lunch each contest day. The food is worth the trip.
So $50 charge overall. Roll with it...
Sunday - No round starts after 2PM...period.
As in the last few years bring your Pancakes as you will need them with the prizes!
Link to directions to Concord Skyhawks field:,-71.553242,5826m/data=!3m1!1e3
[Look at the Merrimack River label and field is strip to right/east],-71.5444