Thermal Duration - Tasks, Rounds and Times to be announced at the Pilots Meeting.
Landing Task - 100 point graduated spot landing, details to be announced at the Pilots meeting. Contest will be flown with the Seeded Man-on-Man format, using a golf cart to retrieve lines.
Unlimited - Expert, Sportsman and Novice plaques to 4th place. Plaques for best two day performance.
The BEST BARBEQUE in the ESL will be available at field both days at a nominal charge. The food will be worth the trip to the contest! No rounds starting after 3:00 p.m. on Sunday. Novice fee $5 each day. Park fees due at time of registration.
No-fly zone strictly enforced during the ESL TD contest, no exceptions. Rules for No-fly zone will be reviewed at the pilots meeting.
Mail registration forms and checks to: Robert McCoy 1103 Barley Mill Rd. Wilmington, DE 19807