Is it safe to use the schedule as a planing guide yet?? (remembering last year) I want to book hotels in those areas that we had trouble getting reservations. Pete in Lower/Slower Delaware
I've been complaining about it not being up to date since the meeting. It is very simple to just remove last years dates, or at least update it to 2011. Our first ESL contest is the 13, 14, 15 th of May, not the 22 nd. We changed it because last year was UVA graduation and we don't want all the hotels filled up again.
Peter, for this same reason the final calendar does not get posted until at least two weeks after the new years, allowing for any rectification of the proposed calendar. I think you would be more upset if you made a reservation on what you though was the final calendar and then we got a notification from the organizer they 'have' to change the date for XYZ reason
Once the season starts, we can sit and talk about some of the challenges finalizing the calendar and some option to bring up at the EOS to prevent/minimize the delays
Thank you again
Jose E. Bruzual
quote:Originally posted by soarkraut
Is it safe to use the schedule as a planing guide yet?? (remembering last year) I want to book hotels in those areas that we had trouble getting reservations. Pete in Lower/Slower Delaware