Just something that I am noticing in my club that many flyers are turning to electric gliders. We have added club contests utilizing limited motor run time.
Does the ESL host a LMR glider contest?
Does any other club have LMR contests within their club?
Does anyone host an electric glider contest?
Any interest?
(I am not looking to host one but just curious as to the interest, number of pilots with planes, etc.
CASA has currently suspended monthly club electric motor-sailplane competition (we hope for future renewed interest!). We will be having an X5J motor-sailplane TD event on Mon 29 May (Memorial Day holiday) after our Spring Sizzle electric fun fly on the previous two days (see events at www.soarcasa.org). The X5J event will be in conjunction with the X5J International Postal event on the same day (see electric sailplane section of the RC Groups forum). Good Lift!