I hope it's OK to mention a different contest. It doesn't interfere with any ESL contest. I posted the following to RC Groups: ---------------------------------
This was a fun contest last year. We had 16 contestants, including at least 7 fliers from the ESL. Bob Rondeau, the CD, is not to be discounted either, nor are several other experienced competitors we had. 6 rounds were flown. The site is a gorgeous field, if not flat, and so far the weather forecast is good.
disclosure: I'm hoping we can get the number up to 20 so a win would be usable for LSF level 5.
Brattleboro is in the southeast corner of Vermont, just off the interstate.
On your way in, don't be surprised if it looks like you're driving onto high school property. The road continues past.
more info here: http://bafhome.org/events.htm http://bafhome.org/BAFPF.htm
report on last year's contest: http://tinyurl.com/yedjr5y or at least it was still up as of 10/6/09. It's a Google cache so it's likely to go away any time now. |